My experience of home education

My thoughts have been on home education a lot recently as one of my granddaughters has moved from home education to school. For a brief while in the late seventies I taught my eldest daughter and son. But then we moved from England to Scotland and they attended a school which was run on the… Continue reading My experience of home education

Longlisted for the Mslexia Novel Competition

I’m delighted to announce that my debut novel Is This It? has been longlisted in the 2024 Mslexia Novel Competition. Mslexia is a bestselling magazine in the UK for women who write, supporting writers at all stages of their journey from pre-publication to the finished work. I am an active subscriber and would encourage any… Continue reading Longlisted for the Mslexia Novel Competition

Exploring cinquain poetry

It’s wonderful how, throughout my writing career, I am learning new ideas and tips and gaining knowledge of exciting, inspirational ways to nurture my creativity. Recently, I found out about cinquain poetry. It is similar to haiku and tanka, but it has five lines. It can be written about anything you like, with an emphasis… Continue reading Exploring cinquain poetry

The experience of Writing for Wellbeing workshops

The experience of Writing for Wellbeing workshops offers the opportunity to explore emotions and feelings you want to understand, therefore gaining insight and a deeper understanding. Writing for Wellbeing workshops usually have a theme to work with creatively. In my workshops we start with a breathing exercise or a short movement exercise, for example chi… Continue reading The experience of Writing for Wellbeing workshops

Ways of writing creatively and for wellbeing

Both ways of writing can benefit our wellbeing. Whenever we write we are exploring, consciously or unconsciously, our inner selves. We are bringing to the fore how we feel about certain issues or situations. Our writing can be fictional but despite that a part of us will still reside within it. After all, we take… Continue reading Ways of writing creatively and for wellbeing

My Therapeutic Journey

In my last post, I wrote about my writing journey which has developed therapeutically in more recent years. However, I have been interested in many different therapies throughout my adult life. I started to question forms of alternative healing in the seventies, my first port of call being homeopathy which I discovered when I was… Continue reading My Therapeutic Journey

My Writing Journey

I can trace the origins of my writing journey back to childhood. When I was a child, like many other children I kept a diary but after a while I became a little bored with that and moved on to writing stories. I loved to dream myself into writing different characters and their adventures. I… Continue reading My Writing Journey